A contracts extension

Making CiviMember work better for European NGOs.

For the past few months, I’ve subcontracting with Systopia, a CiviCRM consultancy based in Germany, on a project to migrate Greanpeace Austria to CiviCRM. My involvement has centred around the development of a contracts extension that enhances CiviMember so that it better caters for the German / Austrian model of membership. The differences are subtle but important – especially if you are based in Germany or Austria!. I’ve heard a few people based at membership organisations on the continent express difficulties in modeling their memberships in CiviMember so I’m pleased to have been able to dig into the details and help improve things.

The contracts extension is available for download. You may well find that it needs further development to meet your use case. Although it is designed to be as generic as possible, there is likely some Greenpeace specific requirements that need to be generalised. If you are interested in further improving contracts for the continental market, I highly recommend getting in touch with Systopia.