Running a CiviCRM training for membership secretaries at Spring conference.
Last weekend I went along to the Green Party’s spring conference in Cardiff to run a workhop on the new members website that recently went live. I also had a little stall at the conference fringe for the curious.
The workship was pretty well attended – 30 or so local and regional party activitists came along to see how they could make use of the tools we’ve provided them.
I demonstrated how local and regional membership secretaries could log in to the system and update local party roles (returning officers, media contacts, etc.) see membership numbers and lists in real time, and also send email to their local members. That might not sound like a huge win, but before we rolled this out, local and regional parties would have to email head office for an up to date list. We got a decent amount of feedback from attendees who had already used the system, including those who took part in the pilot. Most of which should be easy to implement in the weeks and months ahead.
All in all, it was a pretty fun event and interesting to see a party conference in full swing. It seems like there is a appetitie for a similar event at next years conference if they’ll have me back!